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Project Name

Kamax, LLC/Raine Logistics, Inc.


2890 North America Drive
West Seneca
New York

Public Hearing Transcript

Inducement Resolution

PILOT Agreement

Project Details

Raine is currently located in the City of Buffalo in a 6,000 sq. ft. leased facility on Hamburg Street.  After reviewing several sites within the City of Buffalo, the company has made the decision to construct a 14,380 sq. ft. truck terminal in the Town of West Seneca.  Since the project involves movement of a company from the City of Buffalo to the Town of West Seneca, the ECIDA has followed its Inter-Municipal Move Policy and have notified both the Mayor and the Supervisor of the respective municipalities.


Status Details

· 05/26/2020 - Public hearing held.  

· 06/24/2020 - ECIDA ratification of Town determination that Project is consistent with 1991 FEIS

· 06/24/2020 - Lease/Leaseback Inducement Resolution presented to the Board of Directors