View livestreams of ECIDA committee meetings here:  


Compensation Committee Meetings 2024

The Compensation Committee was established in 2011 to review and study the compensation and performance based pay programs for the Erie County Industrial Development Agency.

Finance & Audit Committee Meetings 2024:

Meetings are held at ECIDA Offices - 95 Perry Street, 4th Floor Conference Room, Buffalo, NY 14203 The Finance & Audit Committee was established to provide assistance to ECIDA Board members in fulfilling their fiduciary responsibilities relating to accounting, reporting and regulatory practices. Each member of the Finance & Audit Committee must be an independent member as defined by the Public Authorities Law. Finance & Audit Committee Charter (PDF)    2023 Finance & Audit Committee Meetings:


Governance Committee Meetings 2024:

The Governance committee was established in 2006 in response to the Public Authorities Law. The Governance Committee is responsible for keeping the Board informed of current best governance practices, reviewing corporate governance trends, updating the ECIDA's corporate governance principles and advising those responsible for appointing Board members of the skills and experience required of potential Board members. Each member of the Governance Committee must be an independent member as defined by the Public Authorities Law.  Governance Committee Charter  (PDF)    2023 Goverance Committee Meetings:


Loan Committee Meetings 2024: 

Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m.   The Loan Committee reviews all loan applications. The Committee also issues recommendations to the RDC Board of Directors for loans greater than $500,000, of which the RDC Board serves as the final approval authority vote. Meeting packages are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law.   2023 Loan Committee Meetings:

  • January 10                                                             No Meeting 
  • February 14               Meeting Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF)  Package (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • March 13                                                                No Meeting 
  • April 10                                                                   No Meeting 
  • May 8                                                                      No Meeting 
  • June 12                      Meeting Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Package (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • July 10                                                                     No Meeting 
  • August 14
  • September 11
  • October 9
  • November 13
  • December 11

Loan Write-Off Committee Meetings 2024:

The Loan Write-Off Committee was established to review delinquent accounts and makes appropriate determinations regarding loan loss reserves and/or loan write offs. *  Minutes are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law. If you are looking for something specific, please call (716) 362-8387 or send us an email request.  

Nominating Committee Meetings 2024:

The Nominating Committee was established to nominate candidates for various offices including Chair and Vice-Chair. The Committee also nominates candidates to serve on the corporation's various committees.    

Policy Committee:

The Policy Committee was established to propose policy guidelines and policy statements appropriate to the ECIDA and its mission. In addition, the Policy Committee has the power to call for such reports and documents as it deems necessary to properly monitor the corporation's operations. : Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m.  Meetings wiil be held at ECIDA Offices - 95 Perry Street, 4th Floor Conference Room, Buffalo, NY 14203 2023 Policy Committee Meetings

 2024 Policy Committee Meetings:





 Committee Packages 2023

Compensation Committee

April 14, 2023     Notice (PDF)   Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) Package (PDF) 

Finance & Ausdit Committee


Governance Committee 

Loan Committee 

  •  January 11    Notice (PDF)   Agenda  (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  •  February 8               No Meeting 
  •  March 8          Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  •  April 12         Notice (PDF)    Agenda  (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  •  May 10          Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  •  June 14                      No Meeting 
  •  July 12                        No Meeting 
  •  August 9           Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  •  September 13                      No Meetting
  •  October 11        Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  •  November 8                         No Meeting 
  •  December 13    Notice  (PDF)  Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 

Loan Write-Off Committee

January 30, 2023       Agenda (PDF) 


Nominating Committee

April 14, 2023    Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF)   Package (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 

Policy Committee 




Compensation Committee:

Finance & Audit Committee:

  2022 Finance & Audit Committee Meetings:

Governance Committee:

2022 Goverance Committee Meetings:

Loan Committee: 

Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m.   The Loan Committee reviews all loan applications. The Committee also issues recommendations to the RDC Board of Directors for loans greater than $500,000, of which the RDC Board serves as the final approval authority vote. Meeting packages are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law.   2023 Loan Committee Meetings:

  2022 Loan Committee Meetings:

  •  January 12      Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  •  February 9                             No Meeting 
  •  March 9              Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF)
  •  April 13                                 No Meeting 
  •  May 11                               No Meeting 
  •  June 8                                No Meeting 
  •  July 13                   Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  •  August 10                        No Meeting 
  •  September 14      Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF) Minutes I(PDF) 
  •  October 12                       No Meeting 
  •  November 9          Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  • December 14       Notice (PDF) Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 


Loan Write-Off Committee Meetings:

The Loan Write-Off Committee was established to review delinquent accounts and makes appropriate determinations regarding loan loss reserves and/or loan write offs. *  Minutes are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law. If you are looking for something specific, please call (716) 362-8387 or send us an email request.  

  • January 27, 2022       Agenda (PDF) 

Nominating Committee Meetings:

2022 Policy Committee Meetings:




Compensation Committee:

Finance & Audit Committee:

 2021 Finance & Audit Committee Meetings:


Governance Committee:

2021 Governance Committee Meetings:


Loan Committee: 

Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m.   The Loan Committee reviews all loan applications. The Committee also issues recommendations to the RDC Board of Directors for loans greater than $500,000, of which the RDC Board serves as the final approval authority vote. Meeting packages are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law.   2023 Loan Committee Meetings:

2021 Loan Committee Meetings:  

  • Wednesday, January 13th                 No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, February 10th      Notice (PDF)  Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, March 10th           Notice (PDF)     Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, April 14th               Notice (PDF)    Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, May 12th              Notice (PDF)     Agenda PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, June 9th              Notice (PDF)    Agenda (PDF) Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, July 14th             Notice (PDF)      Agenda  (PDF)  Minutes (PDF)
  • Wednesday, August 11th                          No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, September 8th     Notice (PDF)    Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, October 13th                         No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, November 10th                   No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, December 8th                      No Meeting 

Loan Write-Off Committee Meetings:

The Loan Write-Off Committee was established to review delinquent accounts and makes appropriate determinations regarding loan loss reserves and/or loan write offs. *  Minutes are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law. If you are looking for something specific, please call (716) 362-8387 or send us an email request.  

  • February 9, 2021       Agenda (PDF) 

Nominating Committee Meetings:

2021 Policy Committee Meetings:


Compensation Committee:

Executive Committee: 

Finance & Audit Committee:

 2020 Finance & Audit Committee Meetings:

Governance Committee:

 2020 Governance Committee Meetings:

Loan Committee: 

Meetings are held at 9:00 a.m.   The Loan Committee reviews all loan applications. The Committee also issues recommendations to the RDC Board of Directors for loans greater than $500,000, of which the RDC Board serves as the final approval authority vote. Meeting packages are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law.   2023 Loan Committee Meetings:

  2020 Loan Committee Meetings:

  • Wednesday, January 8       Notice (PDF)   Agenda  (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, February 12                   No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, March 11                          No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, April 8                              No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, May 13                            No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, June 10                          No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, July 8                  Notice (PDF)   Agenda  (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, August 12                     No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, September 24         Notice (PDF)   Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, October 14                    No Meeting 
  • Wednesday, November 4               Notice (PDF)    Agenda (PDF)  Minutes (PDF) 
  • Wednesday, December 9                  No Meeting 

Loan Write-Off Committee Meetings:

The Loan Write-Off Committee was established to review delinquent accounts and makes appropriate determinations regarding loan loss reserves and/or loan write offs. *  Minutes are not available because they contain records protected from disclosure under Section 87(2) of the New York Freedom of Information Law. If you are looking for something specific, please call (716) 362-8387 or send us an email request.  

  • February 13, 2020    Agenda  (PDF) 

Nominating Committee Meetings:

2020 Policy Committee Meetings: