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The applicant, Laborers Way 1, LLC is under contract to purchase designated Brownfield land (project site) within the Buffalo Lakeside Commerce Park from the Buffalo Urban Development Corporation (BUDC). Following the property acquisition and remediation, the company will construct 2 one-story steel framed structures totaling 75,000 sq ft on the site consisting of an office building and a production building. This facility will be used for cannabis production - manufacturing, cultivating, packaging and distribution. The facility will focus on recreational and/or medical cannabis consistent with NYS laws and the Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) regulations. 100% of the products (such as oils, edibles, and extracts for adult-use) created at the site will be sold within NYS. This project is the first phase of a plan to create approx. 211,000 sq ft campus on this site, comprised of 3 buildings supporting cultivation and manufacturing operations.